• Turkey Georgia Bicycle Route

    Turkey Georgia Bicycle Route

    The Turkey Georgia bicycle route and what I experienced on this route, which proved that my luck was as much as my indecision, remained in my memory as I laughed when I should have actually thought about it. Welcome all of you to my Turkey Georgia bicycle route story that I knew beautiful people from

  • Crossing from Turkey to Iran by Bicycle | Gürbulak Border Gate

    Crossing from Turkey to Iran by Bicycle | Gürbulak Border Gate

    I was on a bike trip started from Istanbul to India. In this post, I have tried to explain the things you may wonder about crossing from Turkey to Iran by bicycle . Let’s start from the beginning. I cycled from Istanbul to Ankara and then took Eastern express to Kars. After Kars, I had

  • Funny things that can only happen in India

    Funny things that can only happen in India

    If you have always heard negative things about India, just have a look at funny things that can only happen in India. These things will change your mind and prove that how sympathetic India actually is. I am not sure what you read will convince you to go to India, but if you have a

  • Bicycle Route In Turkey: Green Route

    Bicycle Route In Turkey: Green Route

    There is a bicycle route in Turkey. The route between Bilecik and Beypazari is called “Green Route” and named according to natural beauties on the road and the road is fully covered by green areas, forest, villages and mountains. People who live in the villages are pretty warm and try to help you no matter who


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