Vegan outdoor products are one of the most challenging things for vegan outdoor lovers. Most of outdoor gear contain animal products in order to provide a good experience at difficult outdoor conditions. These fact make outdoor adventures harder for vegans. That’s exactly why I contacted more than 40 brands to provide such a vegan outdoor product list. Some of the brands end up with giving me very detailed information related to their products while some of them are not quite sure what vegan means. Well, you can see the link below where vegan-friendly brands and products are shown. I also add the brands who cannot say if their products are vegan or non-vegan.
The list is updated time to time and last update is February 2020
Vegan Outdoor Shoes
Brand: ASOLO

Asolo replied all of questions and gave me detailed information with a list of their vegan products. In 2020, an update came, and they inform me that some the products that aren’t in their international collection yet or they are developed and replaced.
Asolo Vegan Models:
So at the moment there is one model which is certified as totally vegan is the COMP XT EVO.
I have been always happy with my Asolo boots and now I am in love with the brand’s attitude as well. It is pretty important to have such customer friendly brands in the market. Thank you Asolo for being awesome!
Merrell has ‘Vegan Friendly’ tab on their web page which makes finding vegan shoes easier. Thank you Merrell!
Merrell Vegan Models:
Click here for vegan women shoes.
Click here for vegan men shoes.
Brand: KEEN
Keen also has a vegan tab on their web page. They don’t have so many options but having this category on their web page is still amazing. Well done Keen! Looking forward to see more models.
Keen Vegan Models:
Click here to see Keen’s vegan shoes.
Unfortunately, Mamut is no longer certifying models as vegan, however – below is a list from the last time they did in 2016. It means you may not have a chance to see the said models at the stores anymore.
Mammut Vegan Models:
Nordwand 2.1
High Eiswand GTX
Eisfeld High GTX
Magic Peak High GTX
Magic Advanced High GTX
Comfort High GTX
T Aenergy GTX
Ultimate Low GTX
Blackfin II High WP
Runbold Tour Mid WP
Sloper Low Canvas
Sloper Low Denim
MTR 201 Dyneema Tech Low Men
MTR 201-II Boa Low
MTR 201-II Max Low
MTR 141 Pro Low GTX
MTR 71 Trail Low GTX
MTR 71 Trail Low
Jack Wolfskin said that they don’t use any real leather in the process of their shoes but they cannot guarantee that the glue they use might have some non-vegan components.
Vegan Backpacks
Awaiting for confirmation.

Jack Wolfskin said that they don’t use any real leather in the process of their backpacks but they cannot guarantee that the glue they use might have some non-vegan components.
Vegan Outdoor Apparel

Synthetic products of Marmot are suitable for vegan use. In addition, their down products are Responsible Down Standard certified. The Responsible Down Standard ensures that down and feathers come from ducks and geese that have been treated well. This means enabling them to live healthy lives, express innate behaviors, and not suffer from pain, fear or distress. The standard also follows the chain of custody from farm to product, so consumers can be confident that the down and feathers in the products they choose are truly RDS.
Marmot Vegan Models
In addition to explanation above, there is a new synthetic technology that Marmot uses. Marmot’s Featherless technology is made of hydrophobic yarns that repel moisture and retain loft even when wet. Engineered with 3M Thinsulate Featherless Insulation, the synthetic loose-fill insulation was developed over a span of two years to create the most innovative product on the market. 3M™ has lead synthetic insulation since the 1970’s, with the launch of their Thinsulate products.
Brand: RAB

Rab’s products excluding down products are suitable for vegan use.
Rab’s down products are Responsible Down Standard certified. The Responsible Down Standard ensures that down and feathers come from ducks and geese that have been treated well. This means enabling them to live healthy lives, express innate behaviors, and not suffer from pain, fear or distress. The standard also follows the chain of custody from farm to product, so consumers can be confident that the down and feathers in the products they choose are truly RDS.

Patagonia is one of the brands who provide me such clear and certain information. They sent me a detailed e mail and answered all of my questions with high quality.
The main products that they make that are not vegan are their down products such as the Down Sweater, Down Shirt, Fitz Roy Parka, Fitz Roy Jacket, and Bivy series. This is not an exhaustive list of their down products, but include the top sellers. Puffy jackets with synthetic down are not animal products, but rather is designed to mimic the utility of down. These include but are not limited to the Nano Puff, Hyperpuff, and Micro Puff series.
Many of their products made with down are from recycled down. They get used down donated to them from pillows and blankets that would otherwise be thrown to the landfills and use them in their jackets. For the garments that don’t use recycled down, they always use traceable down, which means goose down traced from parent farm to apparel factory to help ensure the birds that supply it are not force-fed or live-plucked.

There are also some wool products such as the Retro-X series that are non-vegan. They practice the same ethos for animal cruelty.
They are also experimenting with naturally dyed clothing in our Clean Color series. This is non-vegan because they are using overpopulated bugs to obtain the color.
Patagonia says that they never use any glues or factory processes that involve any animal products in all of their clothing production whatsoever.
Jack Wolfskin said that most of their clothing is suitable for vegans except a few down jackets and some underwear or socks with a little part of merino wool.
Brand: DARE2B
They cannot fully confirm if specific items are vegan-friendly because they cannot guarantee that there are no animal by-products in the glues or dyes used in their clothing or footwear. You can do it Dare2b! There are so many brands out there who are able to do this. Please try!
They cannot verify what products would be vegan friendly or not but they said they are working on accomplishing this in the future. (I published this list on 2018, now I am contacting the brands again in 2020, let’s see if TNF worked on this or not.)
In addition, The North Face products are Responsible Down Standard certified. Besides, they developed a partnership with Primaloft to offer a new synthetic alternative to down which is called Thermoball.
Vegan Thermal Underwear
Brand: PUHU

Puhu’s thermal underwear which may not contain wool are suitable for vegans.
Puhu Vegan Models
Click here for women models.
Click here for men models..
Vegan Thermos Models

Stanley Vegan Models
Stanley says all of their products are vegan-friendly. Let me add that they are the best thermos brand in the world and have life time warranty.
Vegan Knifes

All of Victorinox knives are free of animal ingredients. The blades are stainless steel and the scales are mostly made of CP (Cellidor) which is pretty important for the environment. Cellidor is an organic, thermoplastic cellulose ester that incorporates a high proportion of renewable natural cellulose material. Unlike traditional plastics, it is only partially dependent on fossil fuels. Components made of Cellidor exhibit an exceptional high-gloss finish with perfect depth effect. To improve abrasion and scratch-resistance, scales printed with a special promotional motif are treated with a protective coating.
About the pouches they have three options: Nylon, leather, fake leather. The pouches other than the leather are vegan friendly.

What does vegan mean?
Most of the time veganism defined as a diet but it is actually a life style. Being vegan is about living a lifestyle that does not cause suffering, harm or death to animals and any of other creatures. Vegans are against of all kinds of exploitation. This philosophy respects all kinds of creature which can feel pain and realise what’s going on. Vegans don’t eat animal products such as meat, eggs, milk, honey, butter, wool etc. They don’t use any products are tested on animals either.

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15 December 2019, 18:49Tһis site was… how do you say it? Relevant!!
REPLYFinally I’ve found something that helped me. Cheers!
15 December 2019, 22:44Thanks 🙂