Agora Camping Ground | Canakkale Caravan Campings | Quiet Sea Camp

Agora Camping Ground | Canakkale Caravan Campings | Quiet Sea Camp

Camping peacefully in the shade of trees in a quiet camping area, leaving yourself in cool waters when you are overwhelmed by the heat, eating your dinner while watching the sun set is probably one of every campers’ biggest dreams. I don’t know if you’ve ever come across a quiet campsite where you can find these three together, but I haven’t been that lucky most of the time. But you’re very lucky to have read this article. Because you can do all this together in Canakkale, in the campground that adorns your dreams. I’ll tell you about the Agora camping ground today, you decide if it’s your dream campground.

Agora Camping Ground in Canakkale

We stayed at the Agora camping ground for two nights during our road trip with our campervan, where we started from Bodrum and traveled the Aegean coastline and headed to Marmara. Actually, Selcuk came here with a friend two weeks ago, and he’s been looking forward to bringing me along ever since. He even kept repeating, “You’re going to love it here,” with great excitement until we arrived at the campsite. And when we arrived, I understood exactly why he’ve been talking about this place so enthusiastically all this time.

Agora Camping Ground is a boutique seaside campsite with a choice of bungalow accommodation and camping among the trees. It doesn’t have such a huge space, but because the existing space is very well used, even if the entire facility is full, it doesn’t feel like it’s in a crowd at all. It was the weekend when we arrived, and yet we didn’t say it was crowded. Because they are already quite meticulous in the conditions of the pandemic, they also pay attention to placement in the area.

agora camping ground

Tent and Caravan Camping in Canakkale

There are places reserved for tents and caravans in the camping area but do not expect huge areas as in normal camping areas. (I specifically state this so you don’t be disappointed when you arrive.) It’s actually a good thing to have a small space. In this way, this place is not crowded with people. Also, the operators do not try to fill the small area they have. They make sure that each caravan and tent has its own private space.

The only disadvantage of being small is that you are likely to come here and return before you can find a place. So it’s important that you call and ask for availability before you come. (Check below for contact info)

agora camping ground

Agora Camping Ground Facilities

There are extremely clean toilets and showers in the area. The restaurant in the facility is more than enough for you to meet your daily food and beverage needs. While there aren’t many options, the options available are delicious. It is better than anything else that they can prepare vegan and vegetarian food if you wish. You can eat your meals on the benches under the trees right in front of the restaurant, watching the sea view.

There is also a kitchen where you can prepare your own food, cook it, wash your dishes. There are fountains in two different places in the campsite. This, in turn, makes it very convenient for you to meet your water needs. You don’t have to go to the bathroom or the kitchen every time.

Another possibility of the facility is that there are apple trees everywhere. For example, you ate your food, you craved fruit, hop, you can take an apple from an apple tree and eat it. I think it’s a pretty good facility.

By the way, before I forget that they have parking lot.

agora camping ground

A Pleasant Holiday By The Sea

The most important detail that distinguishes this campsite from other camping areas is that it is by the sea (and still calm). There are also umbrellas and sun loungers belonging to the facility on the beach. You can also play beach volleyball if you can find enough friends – which is my favorite. (I’m so sorry that I couldn’t find enough people to play and if you do play for me.)

Is It Suitable For Children?

Agora camping ground is one of the most suitable campsites for children I have ever seen in my life. I don’t know exactly what makes a campsite suitable for children, but seeing children move around freely made me think about it. In the small grass areas located in the campsite, children have a very pleasant time, and workshops are also held to ensure that children mingle and have fun during the day. From that point of view, I think you can come here easily with your children.

agora camping ground

Campground Workshops and Activities

In addition to workshops for children, there are also workshops and studies for adults. For example, when we were here, there was a morning mindfulness study. I have to cut this part short because we didn’t coincide with another workshop during our stay, but if we stayed a little longer, we would have coincided with different studies.

agora camping ground

Don’t Come Back Without Doing It!

Now I’ll tell you two things you shouldn’t come back from here without doing, get ready, get your pencils ready and make a note. These two things really have a big enough impact to take your quality of life from the bottom to the sky. One is to watch the sunset by drinking a beer or soda on the beach, preferably; the other is to lie on sun loungers after 10 p.m. and watch the stars. If you don’t do these two, you’ll miss two of the fun things you can do for free in your life, I’m telling you. (No one gives anyone free soda and beer, so you don’t have to drink. Arrange it for yourself)

Agora Camping Ground Location and Transportation

Agora holiday stop campsite, located in “Tavakli Pier” in the “Ezine District” of Canakkale, is exactly where you can see it on the map below. 1 hour 4 minutes from Canakkale and 5 and a half hours from Istanbul is very easy to reach the campsite.

If you can plan a long vacation, you can consider adding Bozcaada to your plan after or before, because there is only 1 hour between them and Bozcaada is a great place. If you decide to see it, you can teleport to “Bozcaada Campgrounds” by clicking here for places to camp in Bozcaada.!1m14!1m8!1m3!1d12283.719818077174!2d26.1629652!3d39.6737902!3m2!1i1024!2i768!4f13.1!3m3!1m2!1s0x0%3A0x16a0435a653ef712!2zQWdvcmEgVGF0aWwgRHVyYcSfxLE!5e0!3m2!1sen!2str!4v1597046420813!5m2!1sen!2str

Click here to read “Aegean Caravan Route | 1 week in Aegean Coast” blog post.

Agora Campground Prices

Let’s get to where everyone is eagerly waiting. You have more than one option for accommodation. You can stay in tents or bungalows, stay in a motorhome or caravan. Pricing of each is different from each other.

As bungalow prices vary by season, I will not provide information about them. You can already get prices from different sites when you want to book bungalows via google. Or you can get information directly by calling the resort in whatever season you’re coming in.

Pricing for caravans is as follows; You have to pay 160 TL per night if you are staying with a motorhome, and 130 TL per night if you are staying with a caravan.

One person tent accommodation is 85 TL, two people tent accommodation is 100 TL. For extra guests to stay in the tent, each child over the age of 12 costs 20 TL; each adult costs 25 TL.

Agora Camping Groung Contact Information

Since it is a boutique business, I especially recommend that you call before leaving and get information about availability. Contact number: 0530 139 17 00

A Video From Agora Camping Ground

The video is in Turkish but you can see around anyways. Feel free to ask your questions from the comment section below.

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